
How to distinguish between genuine and fake mink fur?

Distinguish Real and Fake Mink, Become a Fashion Expert

一.Observe the Appearance

   1.Guard Hairs

  • Real mink guard hairs are short, thin, and even. They feel soft and smooth when touched. While fake mink guard hairs may be long, thick, and feel rough.
  • The color of mink guard hairs is usually natural and there will be no overly bright or unnatural tones.


  • Real mink has thick and dense underfur, which provides excellent warmth. When gently pressed, you can feel the elasticity and softness of the underfur.
  • Fake mink may have sparse or thin underfur, or even no underfur at all.


  • High-quality mink fur has a natural luster that is not too glaring or dull. Under different lighting, the luster will change, appearing more vivid.
  • Fake mink may have a dull luster and lack layering.

二.Feel the Texture


  • Real mink fur is very soft and feels like silk. When gently stroked, you can feel the delicacy and smoothness of mink fur.
  • Fake mink may feel hard and lack softness.


  • Due to the high quality of mink fur, real mink usually has a certain sense of weight, but it is not overly heavy.
  • Fake mink may be lighter or have uneven weight distribution.

三.Smell the Odor

  1. Real mink fur generally has a faint animal fur smell, but it is not pungent.

  2. Fake mink may have a chemical smell or other odors.

IV. Check the Brand and Label

  1. Choosing well-known brands and purchasing from regular channels can greatly reduce the risk of buying fakes.

  2. Carefully check the product label, including brand name, place of origin, material and other information. Real mink fur usually has detailed label descriptions.

V. Judge by Price

  1. Mink fur is a high-end fashion product and usually has a relatively high price. If you encounter mink fur with an extremely low price, be vigilant as it is likely to be fake.

  2. But a high price doesn't necessarily mean it's real mink. You still need to combine other methods for comprehensive judgment.

In conclusion, distinguishing real and fake mink requires us to carefully observe the appearance, feel the texture, smell the odor, check the brand and label, and make a comprehensive judgment combined with the price. Only in this way can we choose truly high-quality mink fur on the road of fashion and show our unique charm. Let's become fashion experts and use wisdom and vision to pick the most suitable fashion items for ourselves.

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About BaiYunFur

On a bone-chilling winter day with a fierce north wind howling, the founder, Baiyun, chanced upon a fur coat. Its silky and soft texture, along with the warmth it exuded, was like a brilliant ray of light, deeply touching the core of his heart. Regrettably, the staggering high price placed it beyond the reach of the majority. At that precise moment, a resolute belief quietly took root in his mind: he was determined to painstakingly create fur products of exceptional quality and affordability, enabling more people to truly experience the warmth and luxury that fur could offer during the freezing winter.

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